BALANCE LOTION Equilibrante. Sebor regulator.
Indications: Balanced tone, with cleansing effect and micro-peeling. Ayuda a disminuir el tamaño del poro. Particularly suitable for mixed cakes and herbs.
Benefits: Its complete formula allows a multicosmetic action: astringent, purifying, balancing and moisturizing, regulating the pH of the skin and regulating it during care.
Working mode: Use an employee and apply with simple hoods.Apply with the advice of a Humedecido employee and a single person who stumbles upon Rostro and Cuello.
•Active ingredients: Niacinamida, Extract of Bardana, Extract of Quillaya, Cytobiol™ Iris A² .Niacinamide, Bardana Extract, Quillaya Extract, Cytobiol™ Iris A², Elecampane, Lactic Acid, Malic Acid, Citric Acid, Fític Acid, Factor Natural de Hidratación